Taking on the complete redesign and building of the Mammoth Lakes Recreation website was a huge honor for us - we are huge supporters of the work they do around sustainable recreation and promoting stewardship practices.

With almost 150 total pages in the MLR website we wanted to spend extra time thinking about how to make it easy for community members to find the information they needed. The previous website had some pretty serious navigation issues and caused headaches for everyone, including staff, to find the information they needed. Besides rebuilding their entire site structure and navigation, we also worked with staff to build out additional content pages to help promote their programming and volunteer opportunities. We also built them a brand new online store, blog/news center, and integrated their volunteer/communications platform tool throughout the site to centralize data collection.


We are a bit biased from our own personal experience with doing trail and stewardship work within the climbing community, but we just love everything that Mammoth Lakes Recreation does and the impact they have within our community.

We rebuilt their monthly newsletter template to provide dynamic and static content areas to promote organizational updates and consistent program offerings. We work with MLR staff to define and create news stories for their website to promote the work they are doing within the community. And we provide ongoing social media support (facebook and instagram) to promote their numerous programs and areas of support within the Eastern Sierra.
